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Veemoon 3-in-1 Fisheye Objektiv Für Tragbares Weitwinkel Und Makro Objektiv Mit Clip Für 6S/7/8/X/11 Perfektes Zubehör Für Kreative Handyfotografie in Schwarz

Veemoon 3-in-1 Fisheye Objektiv Für Tragbares Weitwinkel Und Makro Objektiv Mit Clip Für 6S/7/8/X/11 Perfektes Zubehör Für Kreative Handyfotografie in Schwarz von Veemoon
3,42 €
Versand: 0,00 €

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Camera lens:professional high definition lens reduces glass flare, distortion and ghosting,smartphone camera lens Cell phone camera lens:made of materials, it look fashionable, and classy and is oil and water proof. easy to wipe dry,smartphone camera lens Phone camera lens:it has a super wide angle lens, a macro lens and a fishsye lens which are attached together,smartphone camera lens Mobile camera lens:easy to install, the clip makes it easy to remove and place onto the device, and will not leave any damage to your phone or tablet,smartphone camera lens Phone lens:super wide angle lens can expand the viewing field tremendously, allows you to capture the a much large scenery, don't have to be limited in a small viewing field,smartphone camera lens