CDs von Derek Prince Ministries(48 Treffer)
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God's standards for Christians are the same for all age groups. His conditions for success never vary....

The fear of the Lord is His treasure, containing more blessings than we can ever apprehend. But He shares...

Every born-again Christian is called to act out in time a scenario that God wrote in eternity.
Are you struggling in your circumstances, wondering why God permits them? Ruth Prince's experiences and...

How To Apply The Blood CD

The Pathway of Commitment (Ruth Prince) CD

Ruth Prince, searching for fulfillment in Judaism, finds it in her Messiah. Obedience to Him leads her...

It is possible to "begin again", no matter what your past, through encountering the resurrected Chri...

In the book of Ezekiel we read about his vision of the valley of dry bones - how those bones first came...

From Genesis onward, all creation is by the Holy Spirit. His work is consummated in the Church through...

Will your life fulfill God's eternal plan for you? Ruth Prince draws from experience and Scripture to...

Signposts along the only road that leads to mature sonship: the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Jesus is Head of the Church, therefore all initiative must come from Him. Our part is to wait before...

Biblical worship is directed by the spirit, it flows through the soul, and is expressed by the whole...

Ruth Prince exposes Satan's tactics against Christians who are downed - and gives strategy for victory...

The words Israel and Israelite occur more than 2,500 times in the Bible. What makes them so importan...

If you are frustrated, defeated, or never fully satisfied, there could be a spiritual reason behind it....

Signposts along the only road that leads to mature sonship: the leading of the Holy Spirit.

God's healing is part of the atoning work of the cross but what do you do when you don't see that healing?...

The Bible has much to say about the End Times. We need to heed its instructions, its directions, its...

We live in an age when obesity, heart disease and cancer are killing more people than ever before. Does...

Ruth Prince describes the God-given role of women. When women fail, they leave a void in society which...

Servanthood is part of the divine nature, revealed in Jesus and in the Holy Spirit. Often despised in...

Fatherhood CD

Here are both precepts and patterns that place in your hand an indispensable key to your inheritance...

The Bible has much to say about the End Time. We need to heed its instructions, its directions, its warnings....

How would you respond if God called you to something radical? In this captivating message, Lydia Prince...

To the ends of the earth ... Christ demonstrated that your resources can be multiplied to meet this challenge....

Why has God tolerated so much evil for so long? What is He planning to get out of human history? God...
By 400 A.D. the Church had propagated three false interpretations of Scripture which incited 16 centuries...

God is putting His hand on people, because when the harvest comes, it will be brief and workers are needed...

Derek teaches on the reality of blessings and curses, the source of curses and how to be set free.

Invited to a wedding breakfast for God's Son, the Jews were 'too busy.' Now, as the age closes, Christians...

Caleb (Hebrew "Dog"): after 40 years in the wilderness, as strong at 85 as at 40 - for peace or for war....

Present pressures - and their purpose - is the key to both survival and success.

This message will encourage you to line up with the orders of Jesus and to develop a miraculous approach...

Many people experience continual frustration in areas such as marriage, health or finance, yet never...

God's love is vast, boundless, extravagant! How shall we measure it? How shall we respond?

Regathered Israel is God's banner to the nations, warning that the present age is near its end. How should...

Derek Prince searched for life's purpose in many different forms - highbrow, lowbrow, intellectual, aesthetic...

There is one door in your life which only you can open, whether you are a Christian or not. The decision...
God usually approaches man in forms which cloak His Divinity. It is important to penetrate His disguises,...
God's agenda for Derek and Ruth Prince's sabbatical was altogether different than anticipated. Derek...
In this heart-to-heart message, Derek Prince shares God's revelations and personal dealings with him...

We are invited to share God's secret council - but there are indispensable prerequisites of character...

How to receive the most profound, life-changing experience that can ever happen to any human being.

An intriguing look into God's plan for the end of the age.

Deliverance from evil spirits is the one miracle which has no counterpart in the Old Testament. A sign...