HQRP 3er-Pack Luftfilter für LG LFX28968SB LFX28968SW LFXC24726D LFXC24796D LFXS29626B LFXS29766S LFXS30786S LFXS30796D LFXS32726S LFXS32736D Kühlschrank ator

Filter ca. alle 6 Monate wechseln. Kompatibel mit: LG LFCS25663S LFXS32766S LMXC23796D LFX25992ST LFX28968D LFX28968SB LFX28968SW LFX29937ST LFXS24623B LFXS24663S LFXS275 66S LFXX. Kühlschrank 31915ST LFXC24726D LFXC24796D LFXS29626B LFXS29766S LFXS30786S LFXS30796D LFXS32726S LFXS32736D International products have separate terms, are sold from abroad and may differ from local products, including fit, age ratings, and language of product, labeling or instructions.
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