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Onni-Tec GmbH (1)OTOTEC (4)Otto (1)Oufdj-iPro (3)Ouitble (1)OUNONA (2)Ovegna (3)Owootecc (3)PPALUMMA (1)Paradisetronic.com (34)PartyKindom (1)Pemenol (2)PENGLIN (16)PEREL (1)Petarms (2)Philips (1)PHOENIX CONTACT (15)Pibiger (3)Pibow (1)Pilipane (1)Pimoroni (26)Pineboards (5)Pi Supply (2)PNGKNYOCN (4)PoE World (1)POFET (1)Pollin-Bausatz (1)Pollin Electronic GmbH (1)Pololu (3)POPESQ (3)Pro Signal (1)Proxy (1)Punxasl (1)pzsmocn (7)QRradxa (39)RaidSonic (1)Rakstore (11)RAK Wireless (1)RANJIMA (1)Raspberry (50)Raspberry Pi (266)Raspberry Pi Foundation (66)RASPBERRY PI® (117)Raspberry Pi (1)Rasppishop (3)Reland Sun (21)Renkforce (65)Restposten (1)retro-bit (1)REVODATA (1)Revolution Pi by Kunbus (4)RevoTech (1)Rii (13)Rock Pi (2)Ronlok (3)ROTH-ELEKTRONIK (5)Roth Elektronik (5)ROUHO (1)RPFROP (1)RPi (1)RS Pro (2)ruizhi (2)RUNCCI-YUN (1)RUXELY (2)SSB Components (19)ScreenLeaf (4)SEAFRONT (1)Seamuing (2)Seeed (3)SEEED STUDIO (14)SEENGREAT (62)SELIACR (1)Senmubery (2)SENSTREE (1)Senzooe (1)Septpenta (6)Sertronics (5)SFCPI (2)SH-RuiDu (1)Shanrya (4)Sharainn (1)SHOTAY (1)shuangtongdz (3)shuliancable (1)Silkland (17)SilverStone Technology (1)Simac Electronics GmbH (1)SinoVoip (8)Siwa (2)SJ@JX (38)skylarpu (1)SLXLYH (1)smart-home-komponente (5)smatime (1)Smraza (2)SNOWKIDS (1)Sonew (1)Spacnana (1)SparkFun (8)Sparkleiot (8)Sporgo (1)SRMAN (1)Starfa Lab (2)Stemedu (8)SueaLe (1)Suily (4)Sun3Drucker (5)SunFounder (18)Superbat (1)Sutinna (2)Switian (1)SWOOMEY (3)System-S (2)Szaerfa (1)TTaimeiMao (1)Tangxi (3)Tanmote (4)TechExpert (1)Technikkram (10)Techrum (1)TECKEEN (1)TECNOIOT (4)Teensy (4)TEKO (25)Telituny (4)TenNuoDa (1)Texas Instruments (1)The Lord of the Tools (3)The PiHut (1)Thsucords (13)Tiardey (1)TINEASUR (1)TINKERFORGE (7)TKDY (1)Tobfit (1)TopHomer (1)TP-LINK (12)Trade-Shop (1)TREADALT-TEC (1)Treedix (3)TRIXES (1)TRU COMPONENTS (79)TUOPUONE (9)TuseRxln (1)TW1TGOFT (2)TWOZOH (4)Tynmoel (1)UU-K (1)UGREEN (17)ULTECHNOVO (2)unbekannt (3)UniPi (6)Unistorm (2)upscreen (13)Usorteret (1)UTRONIX (2)VVaileal (2)VBESTLIFE (5)Vecys (9)VELLEMAN (3)VENEKA (1)Vention (7)VGEBY (1)VGOL (5)vhbw (10)Vikye (13)Vilros (6)VISSQH (1)VOLTCRAFT (29)Voltera (1)VoltMate (21)VooGenzek (7)Wwalfront (1)WANSUPYIN (2)Waveshare (741)Waveshared (3)WayinTop (2)WayponDEV (6)Weewooday (3)WEIDMÜLLER (7)WENIVO (1)Whadda (15)WiMas (1)WIshioT (2)wisspair (1)WIYETY (2)woednx (2)XXAGMODSHN (2)XCar-Style (1)Xcello (1)XiaoR Geek (1)Xiatiaosann (1)xicoolee (41)Xingdianfu (2)Xinlie (1)Xiwai (1)XLSBZ (1)Xoro (4)XTVTX (2)XYGStudy (1)XZANTE (1)YYahboom (8)Yctze (6)Yicaam (1)YIGZYCN (1)YILIANDUO (1)YIMIN (1)YINETTECH (2)Yivibe (2)Yizhet (4)YnGia (1)Yoezuo (1)YOJOCK (2)YOUMILE (21)YourCee (1)Your Droid (4)youyeetoo (4)YSOOUA (2)YUHANGCIYE (1)YWBL-WH (1)Ywmsfl (2)ZFarbe
0-25 €
No backlight is required, and the display content of the last screen can be kept for a long time after...
LUCKFOX 2.13inch E-Paper with PCB(V4), Waveshare 250x122Pixel Screen, Support Local Refresh, Low Power Consumption, Wide Viewing Angle, for Raspberry Pi/Jetson Nano/STM32, for Electronic Shelf Label
Bester Preis20,15 €
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
zuletzt überprüft am 22.12.2024 um 18:36; der Preis kann sich seitdem geändert haben.
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Amazon Marketplace
20,15 €
Working voltage: 3.3V/5V (please ensure that the power supply voltage is consistent with the logic voltage,...
LUCKFOX 2.4-inch 65K Color LCD Display Module, 240(V) x 320(H) RGB Resolution TFT Screen, 3.3V/5V, SPI Interface Communication, Compatible with Raspberry Pi/VisionFive2/STM32
Bester Preis17,99 €
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
zuletzt überprüft am 22.12.2024 um 18:36; der Preis kann sich seitdem geändert haben.
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Amazon Marketplace
17,99 €
Entry level 485 and CAN without isolation. Based on Pi 40pin GPIO interface, compatible with Raspberry...
LUCKFOX RS485 CAN Module, RS485 CAN Expansion Board, for RPi to Communicate with Other Devices in a Long Distance, Based on Pi 40pin GPIO Interface, for Raspberry Pi Series Motherboard
Bester Preis19,99 €
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
zuletzt überprüft am 22.12.2024 um 18:36; der Preis kann sich seitdem geändert haben.
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Amazon Marketplace
19,99 €
Display color: 65K color; Resolution: 128 (H) RGB x128 (V); Display size: 26.855 (H) x 26.855 (V) mm...
LUCKFOX 1.5-inch 65K Color OLED Display Module, 128(H) RGB x 128(V) Resolution OLED Screen, 3.3V/5V, Support 3/4-Wire SPI Interface Communication, Compatible with Raspberry Pi/STM32, etc
Bester Preis23,99 €
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
zuletzt überprüft am 22.12.2024 um 18:36; der Preis kann sich seitdem geändert haben.
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Amazon Marketplace
23,99 €
Working voltage: 3.3V/5V (please ensure that the power supply voltage is consistent with the logic voltage,...
LUCKFOX 2-Inch 262K Color LCD Display Module, 240(V) x 320(H) RGB Resolution IPS Screen, 3.3V/5V, SPI Interface, Compatible with Raspberry Pi/Jetson Nano/VisionFive2/STM32
Bester Preis15,99 €
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
zuletzt überprüft am 22.12.2024 um 18:36; der Preis kann sich seitdem geändert haben.
Weitere Angebote:
Amazon Marketplace
15,99 €
Compatible with Jetson Nano/Raspberry Pi/VisionFive2/STM32 and other main control boards Working voltage:...
1.28-inch 65K Color Display LCD Screen, Waveshare Circular Screen Module, 240(H) x 240(V) Pixels, 4-Wire SPI Communication, 3.3V/5V, Compatible with Raspberry Pi/VisionFive2/Jetson Nano/STM32
Bester Preis19,99 €
gefunden bei Amazon Marketplace
zuletzt überprüft am 22.12.2024 um 18:36; der Preis kann sich seitdem geändert haben.
Weitere Angebote:
Amazon Marketplace
19,99 €