Foto & Camcorder von Fotodiox(67 Treffer)
Foto & Camcorder
50-100 €

Compatible with Canon FD and FL lenses on Micro Four Thirds (MFT) mount mirrorless cameras; Infinity...

Compatible with prime Contax G lenses (not zoom) on Sony E-mount mirrorless cameras; Infinity focus or...

Compatible with the Leica M lenses designed for the reflex housing known as the Visoflex system; Infinity...

Compatible with Pentax 645 lenses on Canon EOS EF/EF-S DSLR cameras; Infinity focus or beyond allowed...
Limited 2-year Manufacturer Warranty

Compatible with L39 Leica Visoflex lenses on Mamiya 645 cameras; Infinity focus allowed Enhanced craftsmanship...

Eliminates the light leaks common with early E-mount cameras All metal construction for a solid fit and...

Compatible with Minolta MD lenses on Micro Four Thirds (MFT) mount mirrorless cameras; Infinity focus...

Compatible with Leica M (LM) rangefinder lenses on Fujifilm X-mount mirrorless cameras; Infinity focus...
Mounts a Vast Range of Vintage Workhorse Lenses to Canon EOS (EF, EF-S) Mount D/SLR Cameras; Features...

Compatible with Hasselblad V-Mount lenses on Canon EOS EF/EF-S DSLR cameras; Infinity focus or beyond...

Compatible with Contax G prime lenses only (except 16mm) on Sony E-mount mirrorless cameras Constructed...

Compatible with Minolta MD lenses on C-mount cameras (1.000 inch thread) such as Cine, CCTV / Machine...

Shorten the focus limit and increase the magnification of any lens; expandable with Fotodiox Adapters...

Compatible with M42x1mm screw mount lenses (Type 2), works with Type 1 lenses with no pins or tabs on...

Compatible with Pentax 6x7 lenses on Pentax K-mount cameras; Infinity focus allowed Enhanced craftsmanship...

Compatible with Sony A-Mount and Minolta AF lenses on Micro Four Thirds mount mirrorless cameras; Infinity...

Compatible with Bronica ETR lenses on Canon EOS EF/EF-S DSLR cameras; Infinity focus or beyond allowed...

Compatible with Hasselblad V-mount lenses on Nikon F-mount cameras; Infinity Focus Allowed Enhanced craftsmanship...
Compatible with C-Mount CCTV / Cine lenses on Canon EOS EF/EF-S mount cameras Constructed from anodized...

Compatible with Nikon F-mount G-type lenses on Fujifilm X-mount mirrorless cameras; Infinity focus or...
Compatible with Deckel Bayonet (DKL) lenses on Sony A-mount (Minolta AF) cameras; Infinity focus allowed...

Compatible with Pentax 6x7 lenses on Nikon F-mount cameras; Infinity Focus Allowed Enhanced craftsmanship...

Compatible with Bronica ETR lenses on Nikon F-mount cameras; Infinity Focus Allowed Enhanced craftsmanship...

Compatible with Canon EOS EF (will not mount EF-S) lenses on Sony E-mount mirrorless cameras; Infinity...

Compatible with Sony A-Mount and Minolta AF lenses on Nikon F-mount cameras; Infinity focus allowed-...

Compatible with Nikon F-mount G-type lenses on Sony E-mount mirrorless cameras; Infinity focus or beyond...

Compatible with Leica M (LM) rangefinder lenses on Sony E-mount mirrorless cameras; Infinity focus or...

Compatible with Fujica X-Mount lenses on Nikon F-mount cameras; Infinity focus allowed- 1.4x optic corrects...

Compatible with Exakta, Auto Topcon lenses on Nikon F-mount cameras; Infinity focus allowed- 1.4x optic...

Compatible with Nikon F-mount G-type lenses on Canon EOS M (EF-M) mount mirrorless cameras; Infinity...
Compatible with Miranda (MIR) lenses on Sony A-mount (Minolta AF) cameras; Infinity focus allowed - 1.4x...

Compatible with M42 Type 2 (Type 1 lenses with no pins or tabs on rear) lenses on Fujifilm X-mount mirrorless...

Compatible with Fujica X-Mount 35mm film lenses on Sony E-mount mirrorless cameras; Infinity focus or...

Compatible with Bronica ETR lenses on Sony E-mount mirrorless cameras; Infinity focus or beyond allowed...

Compatible with Fujica X-Mount lenses on Canon EOS EF/EF-S DSLR cameras; Infinity focus allowed – 1.4x...
Compatible with Deckel Bayonet (DKL) Lenses on Nikon F-Mount Cameras; Infinity Focus Allowed Enhanced...

Compatible with Olympus OM 35mm Film lenses on Micro Four Thirds (MFT) mount mirrorless cameras; Infinity...

Compatible with M42 Type 2 (Type 1 lenses with no pins or tabs on rear) lenses on Sony E-mount mirrorless...

Compatible with Bronica SQ lenses on Nikon F-mount cameras; Infinity Focus Allowed Enhanced craftsmanship...
Mounts a Vast Range of Vintage Workhorse Lenses to Canon EOS (EF, EF-S) Mount D/SLR Cameras Upgraded...
Compatible with Contarex lenses to Olympus Four Thirds (OM4/3) cameras Enhanced craftsmanship and high-tolerance...
Compatible with Pentax K lenses on Sony A-mount (Minolta AF) cameras; Infinity focus allowed - 1.4x optic...

Compatible with Mamiya 645 manual focus lenses (NOT designed for Mamiya 645AF or PHASE ONE Lenses) on...
Compatible with Contax/Yashica (CY) lenses on Sony A-mount (Minolta AF) cameras; Infinity focus allowed...

Compatible with Pentax 645 lenses on Nikon F-mount cameras; Infinity Focus Allowed Enhanced craftsmanship...

Compatible with Bronica SQ lenses on Micro Four Thirds (MFT) mount mirrorless cameras; Infinity focus...

Compatible with Alpa 35mm film lenses on Micro Four Thirds mount mirrorless cameras; Infinity focus or...

Compatible with Canon EOS EF (will not mount EF-S) lenses on Micro Four Thirds (MFT) mount mirrorless...

Manual adapter for adding variable focus to Canon EOS EF mount lenses or accessories Helicoids are useful...

Compatible with Mamiya 645 manual focus lenses (NOT designed for Mamiya 645AF or PHASE ONE Lenses) on...

Compatible with Hasselblad V-Mount lenses on Pentax K-mount cameras; Infinity focus allowed Enhanced...

Compatible with Mamiya ZE 35mm Film lenses on Pentax K-mount cameras; Infinity focus allowed - 1.4x optic...
Compatible with Konica Auto-Reflex (AR) lenses on Nikon F-mount cameras; Infinity focus allowed- 1.4x...

Compatible with Fujica X-Mount lenses on Fujifilm X-mount mirrorless cameras; Infinity focus or beyond...

Compatible with Minolta MD lenses on Sony E-mount mirrorless cameras; Infinity focus or beyond allowed...
Compatible with Rollei (QBM) 35mm Film lenses on Sony A-mount (Minolta AF) cameras; Infinity focus allowed...

Compatible with Pentacon 6 lenses on Micro Four Thirds mount mirrorless cameras; Close Focus only Constructed...

Compatible with L39 Leica Visoflex lenses on Pentax 645 cameras; Infinity focus allowed Enhanced craftsmanship...
Compatible with Contax/Yashica (CY) lenses on Micro Four Thirds (MFT) mount mirrorless cameras; Infinity...

Compatible with Contax N lenses on Sony E-mount mirrorless cameras; Infinity focus or beyond allowed...

Compatible with Bronica SQ lenses on Mamiya 645 cameras; Infinity focus allowed Enhanced craftsmanship...

Compatible with Mamiya 645 manual focus lenses (NOT designed for Mamiya 645AF or PHASE ONE Lenses) on...
Compatible with Deckel Bayonet (DKL) Lenses on Fujifilm X-mount mirrorless cameras; Infinity focus or...

Compatible with Canon EOS EF (will not mount EF-S) lenses on C-mount cameras (1.000 inch thread) such...

Compatible with select Contax G lenses on Fujifilm X-mount mirrorless cameras; Infinity focus or beyond...
Mounts a Vast Range of Vintage Workhorse Lenses to Canon EOS (EF, EF-S) Mount D/SLR Cameras; Features...