Veemoon 15 Stück Zweigstifte Mit Natürlichem Radiergummi - Baumrinde Design - Schulbedarf Kreative Bleistifte Für Kunst Und Bastelprojekte Einzigartige Neuheit Zum Zeichnen Und

von Veemoon
15,37 €
Farbe: Hellbraun
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Branch pencils--great for children (outdoor classrooms, boyscouts, girlscouts), brides to use as wedding favors, or for any events,twig pencils Note: please do not sharpen these pencils with a regular pencil sharpener,wood branch pencil,twig pencils Bark pencils--ideal present idea and for encouraging creativity,twig pencils Natural bark pencil--you can also keep a bedside table, in the living room, or dining space, as they are incredibly handy when you need to down information quickly,twig pencils Twig pencils--bark pencils for kids come with of lasting for a long time,bark pencils